Prayer & Compassion DTS

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light
1 Peter 2.9

God is calling a generation to Himself. Do you feel the call, the pull of God on your heart to step out from under the status quo and encounter God in a radical way? This DTS is the result of the call of God to raise up an army of young people who will fervently seek the Lord and whose hearts are broken for the fallen world around us.

Our focus will be prayer and intimacy with the Father, and out of that will come the compassion of the Father for His children who are in darkness, are broken-hearted, and are in bondage. As we fall in love with Jesus, we will have this passion as an all consuming fire in our hearts to comfort those who mourn and declare the good news and salvation in the name of Jesus. Are you ready to step out and answer God's invitation to dive deeper in intimacy with Him?

All DTSs in a quarter will participate in the same DTS Lecture Phase schedule as unique "tracks", hearing the same lectures and living and growing alongside the other students during that quarter. Throughout those 12 weeks, each track will have opportunities and activities to pursue its unique focus and discover how God can use our passions for the kingdom!


29 Jun
28 Nov

Lecture Phase Cost

$6,750 NZ

(includes activities costs)

Outreach Phase Cost

$5,900 - $8,500 NZ

(depends on outreach destination)