Discipleship Bible School

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All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

2 Timothy 3.16-17

The Discipleship Bible School (DBS) is a chance to dive into the most exciting book on the planet: the Bible! Within its pages is a mix of sensational true stories, fascinating history, interesting characters, powerful teaching, and the words of our Lord Himself.

During this 12-week introduction to the Bible, students are given an overview of “God’s story” and will discover the purposes of God throughout. You will read the entire Bible from cover to cover, observe the chronology of biblical events, place each book in its historical context, understand the harmony between the books, recognise the different genres of literature, and consider the author’s original intent. You will learn the foundational truths of Christianity by going directly to the source.

Daily lectures will be on topics relevant to the books of the Bible currently being read. For example – you might hear about Worldview and Origins as you read Genesis, Exodus, and Job. You may study Leadership and Worship by observing the life of David in 1 & 2 Samuel, Chronicles, and the Psalms. Or while reading about Paul’s missionary journeys in Acts, you might study Cross-cultural Missions and the Cost of the Call. Each book is bursting with insights to be discovered!

After you spend three months diving into the Word, you may have the opportunity to join an optional cross-cultural outreach.

Are you ready to get lost in God’s amazing story?

For more info, please contact EMAIL PROTECTED


28 Sep
20 Dec
27 Sep
19 Dec

Lecture Phase Cost

$6,750 NZ

(includes activities cost)

Outreach Phase Cost

$5,900 - 8,500 NZ

(depends on outreach destination)